
I started helping the coaching staff at Palmer Ridge High School a few years ago. My son, Caleb, was a sprinter on the track team, so I helped out with the sprint athletes. I am by no means an expert, but I have learned a lot from the great coaches at the school. I also run quite a bit, but again, do not claim to be an expert.

As a kid, I played all kinds of sports, and I consider myself a lover of sports, especially team sports. While I have played in a league of some sort for nearly every organized team sport (baseball, soccer, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, bowling, softball, washers 🙂 ), sadly, I was average at best…. As I got older, I started running. I don’t particularly enjoy running in itself. I am a goal setter and I enjoy accomplishing goals that I set for myself. There are three reasons I get out the door and run on any given day:

  1. It is the best (quickest) way to improve my fitness and get in shape, and I want to be in shape to enjoy the things I really love to do: snowboarding, hiking, backpacking, etc.
  2. I set goals for myself that require regular running in order to reach those goals
  3. Lastly, I run because my wife makes me.

I hope you enjoy the site, and I hope you will take the time to comment and give your thoughts on the articles found here.

The information on this website, is purely my interpretation and opinion about what I have learned about running by coaching and running. If you disagree with anything, please share your opinion.Â